Highway To Heaven

20140725-202320-73400344.jpgHighway to Heaven:

by Kirsten Person Ramey Ed.D.

There is a common (figurative) belief that men and women hail from two different planets based on our distinct styles of communication. As a doctoral level counselor, I couldn’t agree more that men and women tend to present with opposite forms of communication. While most women openly engage in a deep exploration of feelings, men often rely on actions to suggest their beliefs, opinions, and feelings. At the other end of the spectrum, our population of young people communicate in a manner unlike both Venus and Mars….they use silence. Although some teens (including mine) do a wonderful job of verbally expressing their feelings, this is not something that comes naturally within the parent-child relationship. Teens need modeling, and what better person(s) to model healthy communication than their own parent(s). If men are from Mars and women are from Venus according to their communication, I propose that young people are from Heaven. Use the following acronym to develop, nurture, and maintain healthy communication with your teen/tween son or daughter. These steps are based on my book, “Got Five!”


H- Have two listening ears. Parents and caretakers, you have two ears for a reason….to listen. Many people go through life believing that the most important part of communication is talking, when in fact it is listening. By using reflective listening, adults assure young people that we care deeply about what they have to say. I remind parents that if we are willing to listen to everything, young people will feel comfortable talking to us about anything!


E- Earn their trust through your consistent behavior. Our kids live in a fast paced and often dangerous world. They need direction, guidance, and boundaries. All three are by products of our consistent behavior as caretakers. When we consistently uphold our expectations, it takes the guesswork away; young people develop security from our consistency.


A- Avoid the “Know it All” syndrome. Yes, we have wisdom and experience on our sides as adults, but we must also be willing to learn from our experiences on the parenting journey. Having an “I told you so” mentality devalues the learning process. Young people make mistakes, everyone does. By carefully redirecting our children rather than belittling them, we give them room to grow and learn from past shortcomings without harsh judgement.


V- Visualize their greatness. When parents have realistic, yet positive expectations about their kids, the best will manifest. When parents are willing to see the best in their kids they tend to treat them differently; their words are more positive. This leads to a positive response from the young person. While there may be some anti-social young people who walk the face of the earth, for the most part, it’s difficult to remain a menace when a parent consistently views you as a contributing member of society. By no means am I suggesting denial. I am suggesting that parents recognize strengths and focus on building those rather than exclusively focusing on weak areas in their children.


E- Evaluate their perceived world. Young people have a unique vantage point that usually differs remarkably from the experience of the average adult. In developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with them, we must be careful to understand how they see their world. This will answer many questions about why they do what they do, or say what they say.


N- Never remove your hand; never speak a curse. These steps represent the “touching,” and “tasteful words” chapters in my handbook, “Got Five!” Young people need positive affirmations through loving touch and positive words. When parents remember to speak positively over the lives of their children on a daily basis, they remind their children that they are valued.


Parenting is a journey; a highway if you will. Things move rapidly and at times we don’t enjoy the process of getting to our destinations of emotional health. If we view our children as gifts then we realize that we are simply on a highway to heaven and we start to enjoy the ride!


Dr. Kirsten Person-RameyAbout the author: Dr. Kirsten is a licensed professional counselor in the state of Georgia. As a wife and mother of four daughters, she uses strength based therapeutic interventions to encourage healthy family preservation. She is the author and creator of “Got Five!” a system for growing.


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Don’t Trip Your Neighbor



There are four ways or factors rather, that a Christian can utilize to avoid being a stumbling block to a non-believer:

The first way is to exhibit faith in and around their environment. Often, Christians only communicate with other Christians. They go to church and pray together but seldom fellowship with anyone outside of their circle. They must be careful as to how they portray Christian life as being exclusive and esoteric. Non-believers should not feel like outsiders; they should simply feel like welcomed newcomers. Jesus never sold membership, but he invited relationship. He was a servant for the people and offered his life to save many from the wrong path.

Secondly, Christianity should not be used as a scare tactic or a pop quiz. Simple worship songs and memory scriptures are great and much needed, but they alone are not going to get someone into a relationship with God. With careful consideration, we should make sure that we do not make liars out of ourselves by leading the unreached by happy themed spirituals and “The Bible says…” scriptures. Many times these people are going through great troubles and Christians must empathize with them and let them know that there is a God who understands and has a plan and a purpose for them. It is not just getting them to believe it, but to draw them into a relationship with the true Living God.

The third factor that I want to mention, is that simply “believing the facts” is not enough for the non-believer. I am not a big TV watcher. I spend maybe 1 to 2 hours a week watching television. One show that I would follow is The Walking Dead. Yes, that is right, The Walking Dead. I read one pastor’s rant about how he would never watch the show because it glorified the devil and sin. I will admit that the show can desensitize you from the gory details, but so does life when it comes to sin. Modern living can glorify the wrong and the most ungodly of things and make it seem ok. Soon, it becomes difficult to know what sin is and what is right in God’s eyes. I think the show stresses the importance and value of forming and having relationships in a disease stricken world and the pursuit of good living. That is not something that you can explain to someone who has not watched the show by saying, “You have to watch the show.” While it is important and fundamental to know what God’s Word says, it is just as important to lead an individual to form a one on one relationship with God. That person should understand that he or she has a tag team partnership to live out his or her purpose, upon forming his or her relationship with God. They can’t just believe what someone tells them. They have to experience it for themselves and they can’t do that without having faith in what they believe. Faith is essential to having a relationship with Christ. Faith is dependent on action so a person choosing to follow Christ must show through their lifestyle and obedience, the faith that they have in The Lord.

The last factor deals with how we treat The Lord. It is easy to say that you believe in Him, but do you treat Him like a living God? Many Christians give off a false representation of who God is. They may pray about a situation and then go and worry about the very same thing. Non-believers can view this as God not being who He says He is. They may also think that they need a backup plan of their own in the event that God’s plan doesn’t work. Christians must have a continual prayer/study life with The Lord. Christians must constantly stay obedient and dependent on The Lord as a living God and not just as words in a book or a tradition handed down to them. Establishing a personal relationship with God and exposing that to others who do not know God, is the strongest power that you have to witness for Christ. When you can live on God’s word, be obedient and consistent, and not pass judgment on others (but rather display how you can manage to live right in the same space that a non-believer may live in); it is the most attractive witnessing tool in your arsenal. Christians have to become more than just lip service to the world. They have to become a lifestyle that is attractive and a living witness to the living God. This is what Christians have to offer the world.



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Spread the Gospel, not Gossip

man praying
   In our modern world of social media, life is based on constant change. News and media anywhere in the world can travel the globe within minutes (and sometimes seconds) of happening. Yet Christ’s command for the gospel to be spread throughout the far corners of the world has had its struggle over the last 2000 years. Christians can best serve by exploring the realism in witnessing to outer most parts of the world as well as their own community. Realism is an essential part of our foundation and we must be realistic in our witnessing as well. Jesus Christ is the same now as he was before but improved communications, modern medicines, and new sciences have led people towards the trend of scientism. More people believe in science and technology as new world religion. People are looking for answers to fill the blank space in their lives and the only way to truly fill that blank space is with Jesus Christ. The problem for the modern Christian is how to approach a non-Christian. Non-Christians are looking for something real and are more likely to probe any answers that are outside of popular belief. Christianity is as realistic as any and must be real for the non-Christian to begin to accept.

Jesus spoke to the five thousand whom He had fed with five loaves and two fish. Impressed with his miracles they quickly wanted to draft him as their leader. Jesus, knowing that their actions were by wrong motives,  withdrew from them. The next day Jesus answered them saying, “Truly, truly I say to you, you seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not labor for food which perishes, but for food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you; for on him has God the Father set his seal.” (John 6:25-27). Jesus acknowledged that material things were real but that spiritual and eternal things had more value. By his example he demonstrated to man that he should not follow that which perishes but to go after the very thing that will bring him eternal life. Christ’s example of using material things for spiritual good, kick started a series of parables that the people could identify with and start to relate to their own lives. Jesus knew that the people would not reach Heaven unless it was brought down to earth for them and modeled for them in their present state. Christians must live in today’s world, not just the local church, and they must be responsible for being informed or up to date in current  national and world affairs. Being informed gives Christians the realistic awareness to life. Non-Christians are more apt to listen to you if you can relate to what they go through and how they live. It is each person’s responsibility to understand the world and individual viewpoints. In order for Christians to witness to someone on a person to person basis, one must know to turn “head knowledge” of Christ into “heart to heart” communication of Christ. Speaking to one’s heart is direct and reaches a need that is longing to be fulfilled. Witnessing to someone merely from head knowledge tends to be informal and will lose the non-Christian or cause him or her to question everything that is said.

In my next post I will list four factors or ways Christians can avoid being a hindrance to non believers.

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Fantastic article by my daughter called Choice. One of the most powerful gifts given by God.

Talk With Us.

I remember last year, during winter break, I was up until 2:00 in the morning watching 90210. It was a typical night for me, seeing as though I spent most of the break browsing teen dramas on Netflix. But, that night was different from any other night. The female characters in the show were on a retreat. The retreat instructors took away their cell phones, so they could be in touch with nature. That night, the girls had a “Pow-Wow” and sat around in a circle, discussing their fears. When one of the main characters was afraid to open up about a traumatizing experience, the instructor told her a story that really caught my attention.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil…

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About me


Roc Ramey is a nine year veteran of the audio visual industry whose purpose is to build relationships with strategic partners and create valuable live event experiences. Roc started out as a camera operator and advanced up the ranks to event sales and A/V consulting. In addition, Roc is also an ordained minister who officiates weddings, provides coaching services to couples and speaks at a variety of events. Roc and his wife Kirsten of 16 years have four beautiful daughters and they spend their pastime participating in different service projects.Contact Roc Ramey for your next event or speaking engagement.


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